Monday, May 7, 2007


Well my friends, Alese passed away today at 1pm. Lets be happy for her that she doesnt have to suffer anymore. Please check out her website for the wonderful words of her family. They are beautiful beautiful people.

Sunday, May 6, 2007


So much good news!! First, my PET scan from two weeks ago was negative!!! That means there is no sign of Hodgkins Disease left in my body! The stem-cell transplant worked!! Its a miracle. I still have one more scan tomorrow but Dr Forman was the first to tell me the good news about the PET. I can't believe that my process is now over. Its so amazing. My hair is growing quickly and I am getting stronger each day. I am almost normal! Thank you so much for all those who thought of me and prayed for me. It obviously worked! I dont even know how to be done with this process, its like I feel good, I have all this time, i dont have anything hanging over my head, its just fabulous.

Second, I had a great time in mexico with my dad. i got to get some sun on my much pale skin and the best part is that I got to surf!! only for a short time because i got pretty tired out there but i caught a few waves. the weather was beautiful and the place we were was great.

Unfortunately, along with good news comes bad. my friend alese, who also has hodgkins, is dying. she is suffering from fungal pnuemonia and he body is just not able to fight it anymore. as of now, the doctors have given her mere hours to live. of course anything is possible and i am hoping for a miracle to come to her. if all of those who read this can hope for that too and spread the word of hope. if nothing else, lets hope that is in no pain, she has suffered a lot lately, and that she goes in peace. i will keep this updated about her, and i encourage all of you to read her blog,, she is an inspiring human being.

love and peace to all